

We consider it a privilege to serve as an integral partner to our customers and communities, 1 .澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供安全可靠的澳门威尼斯人.3400万家企业和家庭遍布我们广阔的八州服务区域. 我们的近2,900名员工作为一个团队工作, devoted to making a positive impact on the lives of our customers and in the communities we call home.


We're committed to building a diverse workforce representative of the communities we serve and a culture of belonging for all. 我们认识到我们的每个团队成员都带来了独特而宝贵的经验, 对组织的看法和才能. 以我们尊重的价值观作为我们的指导力量, we strive to actively engage all employees to foster a culture of belonging w在这里 every team member can bring the best of themselves to work and is enabled to reach their full potential while contributing to business outcomes.

Some of the ways we are working to build a more diverse workforce and culture of belonging for all include:

  • Building a talent strategy that attracts and retains talent representing multiple dimensions of diversity.
  • Evaluating our internal systems and processes to support an equitable and inclusive experience for all people.
  • 为员工澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供各种职业发展资源和工具. 其中包括学费援助, 辅导的机会, 读书俱乐部, and a college partnership program which allows employees to achieve college degrees at an advanced pace and/or discounted price.
  • Hosting an annual diversity conference which provides opportunities for all employees to connect and focus on personal and professional development.
  • 鼓励参与员工资源小组. Our ERGs are employee-led and encourage connection and belonging for their members while also providing education and outreach to the organization. 我们的ergg包括:
    • 追求这是一个妇女资源组织
    • 分析在行动,这是一个面向当前和有抱负的数据和分析专业人士的资源组织.
    • 新连接是一个为新员工服务一年内的资源小组.
    • 边缘,这是一个面向不同种族/民族员工的资源组织.
    • 项目管理兴趣小组,一个面向当前和有抱负的项目管理专业人士的资源小组.
    • 退伍军人参与小组(VET)这是一个为军人和退伍军人澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供资源的组织.


Edison Electric Institute’s (EEI) member companies have joined together to align their DEI and workforce development initiatives and are taking meaningful action to:

  • 促进种族公正
  • 推进DEI目标,使各级员工多样化
  • Provide more equitable access to employment opportunities for underrepresented and underserved members of their communities
  • Create a workforce that is more representative and responsive to people of all backgrounds
  • Take measurable actions that address the racial and gender gaps within the industry and accelerate the ability to reach and support those suffering from systemic racism, 贫困和经济劣势.




服务1.34 million natural gas and electric utility customers in 800+ communities across eight states, 我们的直接经济影响包括慈善捐赠, 赔偿近2亿美元,900名员工, 特许经营费用, 向供应商付款, 和财产, 支付给我们社区的销售税和使用税.


每年, our employees give generously of their time and talents to support community organizations and nonprofits across our service territory. This support includes personal contributions to the United Way through monthly payroll donations and one-time gifts. In 2023, 近33%的员工参加了公司的年度联合劝募活动, 至少贡献他们的公平份额(每月一小时的工资),总共495美元,000. 再加上基金会25%的配合捐款, 2023年给联合劝募会的捐款总额接近560美元,000. 除了, 31年来,近760名员工自愿参加,000小时的时间, 包括非营利性董事会服务, 为学生澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供STEM教育方面的指导, 指导青少年运动队, 以及无数的服务项目.


大使计划是一项始于2008年的企业倡议, 为100多名员工澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供服务和领导的机会. Ambassadors serve as positive representatives of our company in both internal and external settings, 在个人和相关层面上,将人们与概念和信息联系起来, 草根项目的本质. 大使由提名和挑选,任期两年,包括志愿服务, 协调地方一级的倡议并参与重要的社区活动. Ambassadors are in every state in our service area and help represent Black Hills Energy in community engagement. 



除了我们的大使和员工的志愿服务, 我们还定期与客户和社区进行交流. Our community affairs team leads this engagement and is embedded within each state of our service area. Each state has a formal community engagement plan, unique to the makeup and needs of that area. 使用多种工具进行参与, 正式的和非正式的, 包括公民咨询委员会, 社区技术人员计划, 定期调查当选官员和直接社区外展.


安全是澳门威尼斯人的价值观之一, 这是我们所有工作的重中之重,并深深植根于我们的公司文化. 我们致力于成为全国最安全的公用事业公司. 这需要我们坚持不懈,每天关注我们所做的每件事. 每次有三个或三个以上员工参加的会议都以安全分享开始, 这种做法有助于将安全放在首位. 


In 2023, our Occupational 安全 and Health Administration (OSHA) Total Incident Case Rate (incidents per 200,000小时的工作时间)是1.51, placing us within the second quartile of American Gas Association (AGA) peer utilities. 与2022年相比,我们在2022年的工作日损失也减少了31%. Our Preventable Motor Vehicle Incident Rate (vehicle accidents per 1 million miles driven) was 1.2023年达到65个,在AGA公用事业同行中名列前茅. We are also leading the way in the industry by encouraging employees to report injuries within one day, 报告及时性比平均水平高出20%.


Our safety training is delivered through an in-person instructor led and online learning management system that tracks completion status and completion dates. Training occurs throughout the year, with frequency driven by required regulation and assessed need. 所有在线安全培训都有多种语言版本. All safety training is provided at no cost to our employees and may be completed during working hours.


我们的安全文化从我们的建筑延伸到我们的社区. 在2023年,我们培训了超过7名,300名急救人员和挖掘机学习应急反应和安全挖掘方法, intensified our commitment to prevent damage to our facilities via expanded awareness messaging, 和每一个活着的地主沟通, works or plays along our system regarding how to stay safe around overhead and underground electric and natural gas lines. Black Hills Energy also conducts large-scale emergency response drills to help guarantee we are ready to serve our communities in the event of natural disasters or others in times of need.



  • 一个热, 内布拉斯加州西南部一个有风的日子赚了3美元,768名澳门威尼斯人员工, 家人和朋友想要一个游乐场. The Central Region's 4th Annual Golf Tournament was hosted in McCook, Nebraska this year on Sept. 在遗产山高尔夫球场.  比赛,有…
  • 9月5日星期五. 22岁的时候,科尔尼公司的人都走狗了! To show support for the local community and hold an event to coincide with the area Junk Jaunt, 为了给科尔尼地区动物收容所募捐,举办了一场车库义卖. 委员会成员开会并选择了动物收容所作为慈善机构。
  • 每年 Black Hills Energy is able to support United Way in a Day of Caring event as part of the Season of Giving campaign. Several employees from the Bluffs facility in Iowa joined together to help the New Visions 首页less 服务 get ready for their December 社区 Christmas by sorting…
  • South Dakota Mines recently recognized our company as the 2023 社区 Champion at their annual state-of-the-university address in Rapid City. 澳门威尼斯人是今年被认可的专注时间的公司, 宝藏和人才,以促进学校的使命. 与会者…